
My calling is to serve others offer inclusive, accessible, transformational practices that support emotional resilience, healing, and community in our complicated, ramped-up world. Her trauma-sensitive facilitation is informed by her own personal journey (including the loss of her only child Andrew in 2017) as well as the work of Tara Brach, Jack Kornfield, Thomas Hubl, Resmaa Menachem, Ruth King, and David Treleaven.

Also a Trauma Sensitive Mindfulness Meditation Teacher,

Isabel has been engaged in her own personal SoulCollage® work since 2008. She trained as a SoulCollage® Facilitator with Mariabruna Sirabella in 2011, and later joined the Trainers’ Circle at SoulCollage, Inc. in 2019. Isabel’s SoulCollage® gatherings provide an oasis for deep reflection, naturally invoking portals of possibility.

In her previous career, Isabel earned her doctorate in the neuropsychology of reading and language disorders from the Harvard Graduate School of Education. She has been an educational consultant, mentor, coach, and group facilitator for three decades.

Originally from Columbia, South Carolina, Isabel moved to New England in 1978 where she now works and lives in the Boston area with her husband Peter Ramsey and the family bichon frise, Monfils.


Harvard University, Ed.D., 1987, Ed.M., 1978-79 Neuropsychology of Reading and Language Disorders

University of South Carolina, B.A., 1977, summa cum laude, Education and Psychology


Trauma-Sensitive Mindfulness Mentorship with David Treleaven 2022-23 | Advanced Trauma-Sensitive Mindfulness: Widening the Window of Tolerance Supporting Trauma Recovery

Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Certification Program with Tara Brach and Jack Kornfield 2021-23 | Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Access (DEIA) Training

Healing Collective Trauma with Thomas Hubl 2020-21

Education for Racial Equity with Ressma Menachem and Carlin Quinn 2022-23 | Foundations in Somatic Abolitionism for White Bodies

SoulCollage, Inc., Trainer Apprenticeship in Santa Cruz, California 2019 | Apprentice to Master Trainer Mariabruna Sirabella to become a Trainer of SoulCollage® Facilitators

SoulCollage, Inc., Facilitator Training in Lucerne Switzerland with Mariabruna Sirabella 2011

Isabel Phillips, Ed.D.