Mindful Meditation Breaks
An invitation
I offer these Mindfulness Breaks in the spirit of generosity with the heartfelt wish that they might be accessible to individuals from all levels of income. No payment is required, but I invite you to make a donation as I continue to offer the practice of mindfulness in the world.
Please consider making a donation that aligns with your circumstances by clicking below:
“Peace in oneself. Peace in the world.”
An Investment in Your Well-being
No payment is required to register for this course. Upon completion of the course, you will be invited to make a voluntary donation (dana in the Buddhist tradition) that aligns with your circumstances. No participant will be turned away for financial reasons.
Four Class Meetings: Sundays from 4-5:30pm
September 17 and September 24; October 1 and October 15, 2023
In this four-week mindfulness meditation course we explore the power of awareness to help you slow down, transform challenging emotions, and increase your sense of well-being.
These proven practices will teach you how to nourish your own vitality, equanimity, and creative capacity.
The goal is to personalize your mindfulness practice in nuanced ways that work best for you. There are no “failures!” Below is the link to learn more:
Detailed Course Description
Class size is limited to 10 participants. Zoom link will be emailed to you after registration.