Weekly Online Mindfulness Meditation Circle

Weekly Online Mindfulness Meditation Circle


Together we meditate. Together we share. Together we transform.

Thich Nhat Hanh, the father of modern mindfulness, has taught us, “Peace in oneself, peace in the world.”

No interested participant will be turned away because of financial hardship. If free access would make it more possible for you to join, please contact Isabel here.

Register now for Sundays in February and March, 2025!

2/16, 3/2, 3/9, 3/16, 3/23, 3/30

This is a small sangha that enjoys getting together weekly to practice mindfulness in community.

We gather for inspiration and to resource ourselves with self-compassion and non-judgment, so that we can better discern wise action out in this troubled world.

Thich Nhat Hanh was once asked, “Aren’t you worried about the state of the world?”

Thich Nhat Hanh replied, “I allow myself to breathe…[and then] the most important thing is not to allow your anxiety about what happens in the world to fill your heart. If you heart is filled with anxiety, you will get sick, and you will not be able to help.”

This group is open to everyone, regardless of background, belief, or previous meditation experience. We’d love to have you join us!

Each gathering is limited to ten participants.

Zoom link will be emailed to you after registration.

Please register before 3pm on the day of the event in order to receive the link to join us.

ALL are welcome! Attend once or join as often as your schedule allows.

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